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Chris Smith

Geospatial Data Analyst at Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA)

Areas of expertise

  • - Remote sensing of boreal forest and wildfires
  • - GIS Tools: ArcGIS, ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, QGIS, Trimble Business Center
  • - Education of earth sciences
  • - Hyperspectral data

Major works

Smith, C. W.; Panda, S. K.; Bhatt, U. S.; Meyer, F. J. Improved Boreal Forest Wildfire Fuel Type Mapping in Interior Alaska Using AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Data. Remote Sensing 2021, 13 (5), 897. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13050897.

About me

Chris Smith holds an MS in Geosciences from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His thesis research focused on how remote sensing techniques can improve fire fuel and burn severity maps to better understand and predict fire behavior in the Alaska boreal forest. Chris has been a teaching assistant for an undergraduate course on glaciers, earthquakes and volcanoes.

Courses and Programs taught by Chris Smith