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William B. Bonvillian

Lecturer – Science, Technology and Society Department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Areas of expertise

  • - Science and Technology Policy; Federal R&D System; Advanced Manufacturing; Energy Technology Policy; Workforce Education

Major works


Workforce Education – A New Roadmap (w/Sanjay Sarma) (MIT Press 2020)

Advanced Manufacturing – The New American Innovation Policies (w/Peter Singer) (MIT Press 2018)

The DARPA Model for Transformative Technologies (w/P. Windham and R. VanAtta) (Open Book Publishing 2020)

Technology Innovation in Legacy Sectors (w/ Charles Weiss) (Oxford Univ. Press 2015)

Structuring an Energy Technology Revolution (w/Charles Weiss) (MIT Press 2009)

Website: www.bonvillian.org

About me

William B. Bonvillian, is a Lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, teaching innovation policy courses in the Science Technology and Society and Political Science Departments. He is also Senior Director for Special Projects at MIT Open Learning, leading a major research project and report on workforce education. Previously, from 2006-2017, he was Director of MIT’s Washington Office, reporting to MIT’s President. There he worked to support MIT’s strong and historic relations with federal R&D agencies, and its role on national science policy. He assisted with major MIT technology policy initiatives on energy technology, the “convergence” of life, engineering and physical sciences, advanced manufacturing and online higher education. Prior to MIT, he served for seventeen years as a senior policy advisor in the U.S. Senate. His legislative efforts included science and technology policy and innovation issues. He worked extensively on national competitiveness and innovation legislation leading to the America Competes Act in 2007, as well as legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security, on Intelligence reform, on climate change, on defense and life science R&D.

He is on the National Academies of Sciences’ standing committee for its Innovation Policy Forum, served for seven years on its Board on Science Education of the Academies, and on sixother Academies’ Committees. He chairs the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) standing Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (COSEPP), and serves on the Board of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). He was the recipient of the IEEE Distinguished Public Service Award in 2007 and was elected a Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2011. He has degrees from Columbia, Yale and Columbia Law.

Courses and Programs taught by William B. Bonvillian