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Stellenbosch University
Professional Certificate inAI in Higher Education
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What you will learn

  • Discuss ways of thinking about human relationships with machines through the lens of AI literacies.
  • Critically reflect on incorporating AI tools into one of the suggested phases of students’ learning.
  • Consider how to reposition assessment in support of learning and developing evaluative judgement in an AI-infused world.
  • Evaluate the challenges and opportunities of incorporating pedagogy-enriching AI technologies in different aspects of teaching.
  • Highlight the importance of a values-based approach to the responsible use of AI.

  • Expert instruction
    4 skill-building courses
  • Self-paced
    Progress at your own speed
  • 3 months
    5 - 8 hours per week
  • Discounted price:$536.40 Original price:$596.00 USD
    For the full program experience

Courses in this program

StellenboschX's AI in Higher Education Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from Stellenbosch University (StellenboschX)

Hanelie Adendorff
Magriet de Villiers
Dalene Joubert
Melissa van der Vyver
Jan Petrus Bosman
Sonja Strydom
Hanelie Adendorff
Hanelie Adendorff

Senior Advisor: Centre for Teaching and Learning

Stellenbosch University

Magriet de Villiers
Magriet de Villiers

Advisor: Learning Technologies, Centre for Learning Technologies

Stellenbosch University

Dalene Joubert
Dalene Joubert

Advisor: Centre for Teaching and Learning

Stellenbosch University

Melissa van der Vyver
Melissa van der Vyver

Advisor: Academic Planning

Stellenbosch University

Jan Petrus Bosman
Jan Petrus Bosman

Director: Centre for Learning Technologies

Stellenbosch University

Sonja Strydom
Sonja Strydom

Deputy-Director: Centre for Learning Technologies; Research Fellow: Centre for Higher and Adult Education

Stellenbosch University

Experts from Stellenbosch University (StellenboschX) committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

Discounted price:$536.40 Original price:$596.00 USD

4 courses in 3 months

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