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Learn key strategies to generate crucial project funding

Certificación Profesional en
Engineering Project Management: Project Financing

Lo que aprenderás

  • Manage your project successfully in different sectors and contexts.
  • Successfully work together in a specialized project team.
  • The optimal allocation of the roles, risks and rewards between the various project stakeholders.
  • Create a financing structure that will provide the best chance of successful project financing.
  • Create a financial risk management plan and the optimal legal conditions for project financing to succeed.
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
2 cursos de capacitación
Dictados por instructores
Las tareas y los exámenes tienen fechas de entrega específicas
4 meses
4 - 6 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 358,20 US$
Precio original: 398 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Engineering Project Management: Project Financing de DelftX

Conoce a tus instructores
de Delft University of Technology (DelftX)

Erik-Jan Houwing
Johan Ninan
Marcel Hertogh
Marian Bosch-Rekveldt
Emile Peters
Eleni Papadonikolaki
Ranjith Soman
Magchiel van Os

Expertos de DelftX comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea


Delft University of Technology combines the entire range of hard and soft skills for the future project manager in their Professional Certification Programs for Project Management. At Royal HaskoningDHV, we contribute to a better society and improve people’s lives through delivering work underpinned by our sustainable values and goals. Excellent project managers who are able to lead today’s and future’s complex and innovative projects in an adaptive way are key for us. Therefore we fully endorse the Professional Certification Program for Project Management of TU Delft. Let’s enhance society together!

Erik Oostwegel , CEO, Royal HaskoningDHV

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