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Impulsa tu carrera profesional

Certificación Profesional en
Mastering Probability and Statistics

Lo que aprenderás

  • Use discrete and continuous random variables and understand how they interact.
  • Deal with conditional probabilities and conditional distributions.
  • Obtain understanding into some limiting results, in particular the Central Limit Theorem.
  • Make and interpret numerical and graphical summaries of datasets and find the connection to concepts from probability theory.
  • Several techniques to find estimators and assess their quality.
  • Perform inferential statistics: hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and linear regression, also in non-standard situations.
  • Use the R software package to apply all these statistical techniques on real datasets.
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
2 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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2 meses
4 - 6 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 268,20 US$
Precio original: 298 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Mastering Probability and Statistics de DelftX

Conoce a tus instructores
de Delft University of Technology (DelftX)

Christophe Smet
Delft University of Technology
Rik Lopuhaä
Delft University of Technology
Annoesjka Cabo
Delft University of Technology
Tom Vroegrijk
Delft University of Technology

Expertos de DelftX comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea

Inscríbete ahora

Precio con descuento: 268,20 US$
Precio original: 298 US$
2 cursos en 2 meses
Inscríbete en el programa

Math también disponible en edX


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