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Learn how to design computers for humans

Certificación Profesional en
Human-Computer Interaction

Lo que aprenderás

  • The fundamental guidelines and heuristics of user interface design to inform the creation of strong user interfaces, from major principles like discoverability and affordances to frameworks like distributed cognition and task analysis.
  • The stages of the design life cycle, including needfinding and requirements gathering; individual and group brainstorming; low- to high-fidelity prototyping; and qualitative, quantitative, and heuristic evaluation of human-computer interfaces.
  • The power of human-computer interaction in the modern world and the role it can play in promoting equity, accessibility, and progress.
  • The application of modern development frameworks and theories like the Agile Method, Universal Design, Activity Theory, and Value-Sensitive Design to the creation of computational interfaces.
  • The state of the art in HCI, including emerging technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and wearable devices; new ideas like context-sensitive interfaces and social computing; and application areas like healthcare and cybersecurity.
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
4 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
6 meses
5 - 6 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 428,40 US$
Precio original: 476 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Human-Computer Interaction de GTx

Conoce a tu instructor
de The Georgia Institute of Technology (GTx)

David Joyner
Executive Director of Online Education & OMSCS | Principal Research Associate | Zvi Galil PEACE Chair
Georgia Institute of Techology

Expertos de GTx comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea


Users demand intuitive easy-to-use interfaces that seamlessly bridge the gap between the real world tasks they need to perform in their jobs and the software systems designed to help them fulfill them. It’s no longer sufficient to hire specialists to “fix” the usability issues created by good intentioned software engineers. Companies building complex software systems must hire engineers with human-computer interaction expertise to remain competitive. All things being equal, graduates of the Human-Computer Interaction Professional Certificate program will be in greater demand and advance at a faster rate than their peers as such expertise will undoubtedly set them far apart.

Frank Ginac , Chief Technology Officer, TalentGuard

Knowledge of product management and technology development is increasingly important in any organization to deliver not only to customer but also to employee needs. Key to this is a deep knowledge of the linked discover / delivery cycles. While there are many ways to gain experience in Agile Delivery, the User Discovery part of the process isn't so easy. The Human-Computer Interaction Professional Certificate fills this need perfectly, providing excellent grounding in user need-finding, all the way through user prototyping. We view the holders of this certificate as understanding the key elements that are so necessary in designing technology that people will actually use.

Ken Brooks , Chief Content Officer, Wiley Education Publishing

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Precio con descuento: 428,40 US$
Precio original: 476 US$
4 cursos en 6 meses
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