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Impulsa tu carrera profesional

Certificación Profesional en
Digital Transformation Playbook for Government

Lo que aprenderás

  • Digital Marketing, establish the customer journey and build a data-driven strategy to build your marketing and sales funnel with verifiable results across multiple digital channels.
  • Digital Transformation Strategy, establish clear goals, principles, and projects priorities to create a roadmap that empowers your people to help lead change.
  • Business Agility, organize to deliver “at the speed of relevance” and with limited waste.
  • Growth Hacking, create cross-functional teams with digital marketing at its core to adapt your products and services to reach new and existing audiences in powerful new ways.
  • Digital Transformation Envisioning, discover where you are and what you need to change to compete in a post-COVID economy.
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
4 meses
2 - 3 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 672,30 US$
Precio original: 747 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Digital Transformation Playbook for Government de UMD y USMx

Conoce a tus instructores
de The University of Maryland, College Park (UMD), University System of Maryland (USMx)

Dr. Il-Horn Hann
Professor of Information Systems
University of Maryland
John Johnson
Professional Programs Manager, Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland
University of Maryland, College Park

Expertos de UMD, USMx comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea

Inscríbete ahora

Precio con descuento: 672,30 US$
Precio original: 747 US$
3 cursos en 4 meses
Inscríbete en el programa

Business & Management también disponible en edX


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