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Learn essential tools and techniques of product managers

Programa MicroMasters® en
Digital Product Management

Lo que aprenderás

  • The new Digital Transformation Leadership MicroMasters program can be found here:
  • Understand the principles and processes for developing product roadmaps
  • Tools and methods for generating and validating user needs, ideas, co-creation and mapping the findings into product and market requirements and positioning documents
  • Techniques for oversight of agile development, rapid prototyping, experimentation and risk management with object oriented development, data and analytics based tools sets
  • Techniques for planning, oversight and launch of products and software, including tracking and system level optimization of social media metrics
  • Life cycle management of products and services including versioning and pricing
  • Techniques for communicating and championing the product benefits to internal (C-Level Managers and sales teams) and external audiences (key customers)
  • Understand the variations in the product management practices across different organizations and emergent digital markets
  • Alternative ways to drive digital business innovation in your company
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
5 cursos de nivel universitario
8 meses
4 - 7 horas por semana
1995 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Programa MicroMasters® en Digital Product Management de BUx

Conoce a tus instructores
de Boston University (BUx)

Varun Nagaraj
Marshall Van Alstyne
Paul R. Carlile
Ben Lubin
John W. Byers
Chris Dellarocas
Barbara Bickart
Nitin R. Joglekar

Expertos de BUx comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea


At Fidelity Investments, Digital Innovation is a core proficiency needed to continue to exceed our customers’ expectations. Our agile teams use a rapid iteration, hypothesis-based and customer informed process to constantly innovate and we are excited that Boston University is launching Digital Innovation MicroMasters programs, focused on leadership and product management themes, to help develop these types of skills.

Richard Blunk , EVP, Digital Channels, Fidelity Investments

Boston Globe Media

Digital transformation has fundamentally changed how media organizations operate. The Boston Globe recognizes the need to be forward-thinking and prepared to identify and capitalize on new opportunities and navigate the challenges of our industry. At the core of what we do is the powerful journalism across each of our brands – The Boston Globe, STAT and In order to support the incredible work coming out of our newsrooms, there is an increasing reliance on leveraging technology, business strategy, product innovation and leadership in our organization. The MicroMasters® program delivers the knowledge and skillsets that are must-haves for the Globe as we continue to transform the business, develop our talent and recruit new candidates.

Claudia Henderson , Chief Human Resources Officer, Boston Globe Media

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