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MITx: Chemical Thermodynamics II: Equilibrium and Kinetics

Discover the flow of energy at a fundamental physical level, and learn how to approach multi-component systems as they evolve with time.

Chemical Thermodynamics II: Equilibrium and Kinetics
11 semanas
8–12 horas por semana
Al ritmo del instructor
Con un cronograma específico
Este curso está archivado

Sobre este curso

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Chemical Thermodynamics II: Equilibrium and Kinetics is an online course that will teach you how to apply fundamental concepts and principles of thermodynamics to multi-component systems.

The second in a two-part series, this course builds on concepts from 5.601x Chemical Thermodynamics I. Together, the pair covers chemical thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, phase equilibria, and kinetics.

In this course, you will leverage the ideas of entropy and free energy (previously developed in 5.601x) to describe chemical potential and how it relates to equilibrium. You will explore chemical equilibria between different chemical species and phase equilibria between different phases of the same chemical species, finally combining both to examine the multiple equilibria present in non-reactive mixtures of species.

You will then change gears to focus on the evolution of chemical systems with time, exploring the concepts of kinetics. After appreciating links between molecular mechanisms and reaction dynamics, you will explore a variety of advanced topics, including catalysis, enzymatics, chain reactions, and oscillating chemical reactions.

Based on the MIT undergraduate course 5.602 Thermodynamics II and Kinetics required of all Chemistry majors, this online version is best suited for learners with some knowledge of undergraduate general chemistry and multivariable calculus. However, any learner who wants to get an introduction to fundamental concepts in equilibrium and kinetics will benefit. We welcome undergraduate university students reviewing or supplementing their own course work, as well as mid-career professionals seeking to advance their careers or pursuing post-baccalaureate engineering and technology degrees.

De un vistazo

  • Institution MITx
  • Subject Química
  • Level Introductory
  • Prerequisites
    • Undergraduate General Chemistry (e.g. 5.01x and 5.02x recommended)
    • Basic Single-Component Thermodynamics (e.g. 5.601x recommended)
    • Multi-Variable Calculus
  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English

Lo que aprenderás

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• Chemical Potential and Chemical Equilibria

• One Component Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams

• Ideal and Non-Ideal Solutions

• Kinetic Description of Chemical Reactions

• Chain Reactions and Oscillating Chemical Reactions

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