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RaspberryPiFoundation: Introduction to Machine Learning and AI

Discover machine learning and how it works, and train your own AI using free online tools.

Introduction to Machine Learning and AI
4 semanas
2–4 horas por semana
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Comienza el 15 may
Termina el 1 ago

Sobre este curso

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From self-driving cars to determining someone's age, artificial intelligence (AI) systems trained with machine learning (ML) are being used more and more. But what is AI, and what does machine learning actually involve?

In this four-week course from the Raspberry Pi Foundation, you'll learn about different types of machine learning, and use online tools to train your own AI models. You'll find out about the types of problems that machine learning can help to solve, discuss how AI is changing the world, and think about the ethics of collecting data to train a machine learning model.

De un vistazo

  • Language English
  • Video Transcript English

Lo que aprenderás

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Over the following four weeks, you will:

  • Demonstrate several working machine learning models
  • Explain the different types of machine learning, and the problems that they are suitable for
  • Compare supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning
  • Discuss the ethical issues surrounding machine learning and AI

Plan de estudios

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This course will cover:

  • The history of AI
  • What are AI and machine learning?
  • Using AI for classification
  • What problems can AI solve?
  • Collecting and preparing data for machine learning
  • Potential problems with AI
  • The machine learning process
  • Supervised learning: Decision trees and nearest neighbour
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • How neural networks work
  • Writing a good ML resource

Preguntas frecuentes

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Who is this course for?

This course is for people who would like to know more about machine learning and particularly how it works, without having to understand the maths involved.

What software will I need?

The practical tasks in this course require access to the Scratch, Machine Learning for Kids, and Teachable Machine websites.

One of these tasks will also require the use of a webcam.

¿Quién puede hacer este curso?

Lamentablemente, las personas residentes en uno o más de los siguientes países o regiones no podrán registrarse para este curso: Irán, Cuba y la región de Crimea en Ucrania. Si bien edX consiguió licencias de la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros de los EE. UU. (U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control, OFAC) para ofrecer nuestros cursos a personas en estos países y regiones, las licencias que hemos recibido no son lo suficientemente amplias como para permitirnos dictar este curso en todas las ubicaciones. edX lamenta profundamente que las sanciones estadounidenses impidan que ofrezcamos todos nuestros cursos a cualquier persona, sin importar dónde viva.

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