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HarvardX: Machine Learning and AI with Python

Learn how to use decision trees, the foundational algorithm for your understanding of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Machine Learning and AI with Python
6 semanas
4–5 horas por semana
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It’s time to make a decision: beach or mountains? When choosing where you want to go for vacation, it can be simple. The options may be a or b. From a decision-making standpoint, it’s easy for the brain to process this decision tree. But, what happens when you’re faced with more complex, multifaceted decisions? You might make a comprehensive pro/con list, rank ordering the most important considerations. But, that can take endless amounts of time that you might not have to spare. When parsing through thousands or millions of data points, you and your organization need to tap into a more sophisticated approach.

The solution? Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) through machine learning to enhance your decision-making processes. Machine learning with Python can not only help organize data, but machines can also be taught to analyze and learn from disparate data sets – forming hypotheses, creating predictions, and improving decisions.

In Machine Learning and AI with Python, you will explore the most basic algorithm as a basis for your learning and understanding of machine learning: decision trees. Developing your core skills in machine learning will create the foundation for expanding your knowledge into bagging and random forests, and from there into more complex algorithms like gradient boosting.

Using real-world cases and sample data sets, you will examine processes, chart your expectations, review the results, and measure the effectiveness of the machine’s techniques.

Throughout the course, you will witness the evolution of the machine learning models, incorporating additional data and criteria – testing your predictions and analyzing the results along the way to avoid overtraining your data, mitigating overfitting and preventing biased outcomes.

Put your data to work through machine learning with Python.

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Lo que aprenderás

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In this course, you will:

  • Explore advanced data science challenges through sample data sets, decision trees, random forests, and machine learning models
  • Train your model to predict the most effective way to handle a problem
  • Examine machine learning results, recognize data bias in machine learning, and avoid underfitting or overfitting data
  • Build a foundation for the use of Python libraries in machine learning and artificial intelligence, preparing you for future Python study
  • Build on your Python experience, preparing you for a career in advanced data science

¿Quién puede hacer este curso?

Lamentablemente, las personas residentes en uno o más de los siguientes países o regiones no podrán registrarse para este curso: Irán, Cuba y la región de Crimea en Ucrania. Si bien edX consiguió licencias de la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros de los EE. UU. (U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control, OFAC) para ofrecer nuestros cursos a personas en estos países y regiones, las licencias que hemos recibido no son lo suficientemente amplias como para permitirnos dictar este curso en todas las ubicaciones. edX lamenta profundamente que las sanciones estadounidenses impidan que ofrezcamos todos nuestros cursos a cualquier persona, sin importar dónde viva.

Este curso es parte del programa Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Professional Certificate

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Instrucción por expertos
2 cursos de capacitación
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4 meses
3 - 4 horas semanales

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