About me
Carl Cargill is a Standards Consultant at Adobe Systems, where he is working with Adobe's standardization staff and management to help structure Adobe's standardization activities for the next decade. Carl has been a leader in standardization―both in practice and in theory―for over twenty five years. He has written two books (Information Technology Standardization: Theory, Process, and Organizations and Open Systems Standardization: A Business Approach), multiple chapters in other books on the subject, and the "Standards" entry in the Third Edition of Van Nostrand Reinhold Encyclopedia of Computer Science. He was the Editor-in-Chief of "StandardView", ACM's journal of Standardization, and has written scores of articles on the subject of standardization and its practical applications. He has testified several times before Congress, and has been on Office of Technology Assessment and General Accounting Office panels as an expert on standardization. He has contributed to both the EU and Chinese studies on standardization as a social and governmental policy tool. Prior to Adobe, he was Sun Microsystems’ Director of Corporate Standards, where he managed Sun's standardization strategies, activities, and portfolios. He was the Director of Standards at Netscape and a standards strategist at both Sun and Digital Equipment Corporation. While at Sun, he founded and funded the Standards Edge series of books and conferences, which were instrumental in changing the understanding of standards and standardization. He has served on the Boards of W3C, Object Management Group, Open Mobile Alliance, The Open GIS Consortium, The Open Group, Enterprise Grid Alliance, ECMA, and OSGi. During the rest of his career, has was a product strategist, marketing manager, pricing manager, program manager, and was, at one time, an Air Force intelligence officer. His interests include Medieval History and the study of magic (as distinguished from quantum mechanics). He holds a Bachelor in Arts from the University of Colorado in Medieval European History (1969) and a Masters in the Science of Administration (Management Engineering) from the George Washington University (1975).