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David Strik

Assistant Professor, Biological Recycling Technology at Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen University & Research

Areas of expertise

  • - Environmental Biotechnology
  • - Open Culture Fermentation
  • - Bioelectrochemical Technology
  • - Biological Recycling Systems Engineering
  • - Entrepreneurship
  • - Waste water treatment
  • - Rhizosphere
  • - Biobased economy
  • - Microbial fuel cells
  • - Microbial degradation

Major works

Courses and Programs taught by dr.ir. DPBTB (David) Strik

Publications by dr.ir. DPBTB (David) Strik

Production of caproic acid from mixed organic waste: an environmental life cycle perspective WS Chen, DP Strik , CJN Buisman, C Kroeze Environmental science & technology 51 (12), 7159-7168

Critical biofilm growth throughout unmodified carbon felts allows continuous bioelectrochemical chain elongation from CO2 up to caproate at high current density L Jourdin, SMT Raes, CJN Buisman, DP Strik , Frontiers in Energy Research 6, 7

Green electricity production with living plants and bacteria in a fuel cell DP Strik , HVM Hamelers, JFH Snel, CJN Buisman, International Journal of Energy Research 32 (9), 870-876

Social links

About me

David Strik is Associate Professor in Environmental Technology at Wageningen University & Research/The Netherlands. He obtained a PhD on Anaerobic Digestion from BOKU University Vienna/Austria in 2004 and an MSc Environmental Engineering from Wageningen University/The Netherlands in 1999.

Currently his research group pioneers on 'Engineering Open-Culture Waste to Resource Fermentation & Separation Biorefineries. Waste streams like heterogenous organic waste, CO2, rhizodeposits, syngas and plastics are used in fermentations as well as electricity driven biotechnologies to produce chemicals like medium chain fatty acids. The chemicals can be used a feed-additive, plant-growth promotor, or pre-cursor for biodegradable plastics, fuels and more.

The specialty areas cover:

1) Chain Elongation Bioprocesses & Separation;

2) Bioelectrochemical Chain Elongation;

3) Photo-bioelectrochemical Systems.

These system have in common that they are all open-culture anaerobic microbial conversions on which selection pressure is applied to establish the desired bioprocess. The research group is interdisciplinary in nature. Lab and pilot-scale bioreactors are operated, the group members use applied microbiology, open-culture selection pressure principles, bioreactor design, (bio)electrochemistry, extraction, process modelling, systems engineering, MFA and LCAs. This research approach allows the development of new biotechnology-based production platforms and understanding of their impact on society and the environment. The results do contribute to a more sustainable and circular world. For instance, spin-off companies ChainCraft and Plant-e are exploiting the developments of this research.

Courses and Programs taught by David Strik