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Jos Bijman

Associate Professor at Wageningen University & Research

Areas of expertise

  • - Agricultural economics
  • - Agro-industrial chains
  • - Development economics
  • - Business administration
  • - Cooperatives, Economic organization theory
  • - Agribusiness
  • - Organizational development
  • - Producer groups
  • - Supply chain management
  • - Institutional economics

Major works

Courses and Programs taught by dr. WJJ (Jos) Bijman

Publications by dr. WJJ (Jos) Bijman

Which type of producer organization is (more) inclusive? Dynamics of membership and participation in decision-making. Mwambi, M., Bijman, J. , Mshenga, P. (2020). Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics

Groot Kormelinck, A., Bijman, J., & Trienekens, J. (2019). Characterizing Producer Organizations: The case of organic versus conventional vegetables in Uruguay. Groot Kormelinck, A., Bijman, J. , & Trienekens, J. (2019). Journal of Rural Studies

Cooperative membership and farmers choice of marketing channels - Evidence from apple farmers in Shaanxi and Shandong Provinces, China. Jinghui HAO, Koos GARDEBROEK, Jos BIJMAN , Nico HEERINK, Wim HEIJMAN, and Xuexi HUO (2018). Food Policy

Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development. Jos Bijman , Roldan Muradian and Jur Schuurman (editors) (2016). Edward Elgar Publishers

Shifting Control? The changes of internal governance in agricultural cooperaties in the EU. Bijman, Jos , Markus Hanisch and Ger van der Sangen (2014). Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 85(4): 641-661

About me

Jos Bijman is an expert on the organisation of agrifood value chains, with special attention to cooperatives and producer organisations (POs). His research focusses on organisational issues (such as internal governance; member commitment; board-management relationship), as well as the sustainability, resilience and inclusiveness of cooperatives and POs. Het is also an expert on contract farming arrangements and how these contribute to improving quality and sustainability.

Jos Bijman is project manager of the EU H2020 project CO-FRESH "Co-creating sustainable and competitive fruits and vegetables value chains in Europe" (2020-2024).

Jos Bijman is project manager of the LIQUID research and capacity development project on quality improvement and inclusiveness in dairy value chains in Souteast Asia and East Africa. See the LIQUID website for more information on this project.

Jos Bijman is editor of a 2016 book on cooperatives and producer organisations in developing and emerging countries: Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development. The key message of this book was that cooperatives in developing countries are transforming from public-service oriented cooperatives, providing goods and services to the whole community, into member-service oriented organisations, providing goods and services mainly to their members. Particularly cooperatives that want to strengthen their marketing activities find themselves in this transformation process.

Courses and Programs taught by Jos Bijman