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Associate Chair, School of Computing Instruction at Georgia Institute of Technology
Mary Hudachek-Buswell is a Lecturer in Georgia Tech's College of Computing. Her current research interests are in-person, online, and large scale computing education courses, and changing approaches to computer science instruction. With changes in technology, her focus is on how to bring visual aids in to play with learning in order to connect the computing topics with students. Dr. HB’s work examines both synchronous, asynchronous, and real-time instruction to facilitate learning in the different student communities in large courses. She has taught a wide variety of courses: CS3311/3312 Junior Design Project Sequence, CS2316 Data Input and Manipulation, CS1332 Data Structures & Algorithms, and CS1371 Computing for Engineers. Dr. HB has won several awards for her teaching, most recently Georgia Tech’s Undergraduate Educator Award – 2020, Georgia Tech’s Education Partnership Award – 2019, and the College of Computing’s William D. "Bill" Leahy Jr. Outstanding Instructor Award – 2019.
• Bachelor of Science in Mathematics @ University of Mary Washington
• Master of Science in Mathematics @ Auburn University
• Master of Science in Computer Science @ Georgia State University
• Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, Philosophy @ Georgia State University