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Professor of Crop Physiology at Wageningen University & Research
Publications by PC (Paul) Struik
Evers, JB, S. van der Krol. J Vos & P.C. Struik , 2011. Understanding shoot branching by modelling form and function. Trends in Plant Science 16 (9): 464-467.
Keurentjes, Joost J.B., Gerco C. Angenent, Marcel Dicke, Vitor A.P. Martins Dos Santos, Jaap Molenaar, Wim H. van der Putten, Peter C. de Ruiter, Paul C. Struik & Bart P.H.J. Thomma, 2011. Redefining plant systems biology: from cell to community. Trends in Plant Science 16(4): 183-190.
Khoury, Colin, Anne Bjorkman, Hannes Dempewolf, Julian Ramirez-Villegas, Luigi Guarino, Andy Jarvis, Loren Rieseberg & Paul C. Struik , 2014. Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (11): 4001-4006.
Struik, P.C. , T.W. Kuyper, L. Brussaard & C. Leeuwis, 2014. Deconstructing and unpacking scientific controversies in intensification and sustainability: why the tensions in concepts and values? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 8: 80-88.
Castañeda Álvarez N.P., C.K. Khoury, C.C. Sosa, H. Achicanoy, V. Bernau, H.S. Sotelo, H. Vincent, R. Eastwood, J. Mueller, H. Dempewolf, L. Guarino, J. Ramírez-Villegas, A. Jarvis, P.C. Struik & N. Maxted, 2016. Global conservation priorities for crop wild relatives. Nature Plants 2(3), Article number 16022, DOI: 10.1038/NPLANTS.2016.22
Paul C. Struik is Professor of Crop Physiology, Wageningen University. He obtained his PhD with distinction in 1983 from Wageningen University with a thesis on the physiology of forage maize in relation to its productivity and quality. Since 1986 he has been full-time professor responsible for teaching and research in crop and grassland science. He has carried out research on forage crops, potato physiology, seed production technology, crop ecology and research on non-food crops.
He is currently involved in research projects on social and agronomic aspects of biodiversity in Africa, QTL-based modelling of crop growth and quality, micronutrient husbandry, modelling electron transport in photosystems of C3 and C4 plants under stress, 3D modelling, biomass crops (including hemp) and chain management of agricultural produce in Africa.