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An in-depth introduction to global governance for sustainability

Certificación Profesional en
Global Sustainability Governance

Lo que aprenderás

  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of what the Sustainable Development Goals are, why they are important, and what are the challenges to achieving them.
  • Unravel the complexity of addressing global challenges and understand which international actors and institutions are out there to address global challenges.
  • Become aware of how globalization, international trade and sustainable development are interrelated and appreciate the key importance of international trade in addressing global sustainability challenges.
  • Learn how to assess and analyze global sustainability challenges through a global governance lens.
  • Obtain in-depth knowledge of voluntary sustainability standards (VSS), also called eco-labels or certification schemes, as an important tool for global trade governance for sustainability.
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
3 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
Avanza a tu ritmo
6 meses
2 - 4 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 159,30 US$
Precio original: 177 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Global Sustainability Governance de KULeuvenX

Conoce a tus instructores
de KU Leuven (KULeuvenX)

Axel Marx
Jan Wouters
Kari Otteburn
Charline Depoorter
Miet Maertens
Janne Bemelmans
Eva Boonaert
Philip De Man
Katja Biedenkopf
Bart Muys
Luc Sels
André Decoster
Hilde Heynen
Bart Kerremans
Constanza Parra
Kolja Raube
Ilse Smets
Karel Van Acker
Chris Van Geet
Kurt Willems
Charles Roger
Jacint Jordana
Michael Zürn
Julia Kreienkamp
David Coen
Tom Pegram
Angel Saz
Maja Tampe
Dominic Coppens
Santiago Fernandez de Cordoba

Expertos de KULeuvenX comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea


United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards

The EdX professional certificate on “Global Sustainability Governance” is an excellent educational path on understanding today’s global sustainability challenges such as climate change, human rights, social and economic development. This program allows learners to grasp the importance of global governance and international trade to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The course provider, KU Leuven Center for Global Governance Studies is a leading academic institution in the field of sustainable development. As a United Nations practitioner, I commend this well-rounded course and believe the certificate will distinguish a learner’s capacity to view sustainable development from a global perspective.

Santiago Fernandez De Cordoba , Coordinator of the United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards and Chief of the VSS Progam of UNCTAD

Universidad del Pacífico

In a global context of higher risks like climate change, accelerated technological change and others, there are many disparities in development and capabilities for facing these risks by many countries and territories. That´s when the professional certificate on “Global Sustainability Governance” appears: a unique course that can close these disparities, bringing an interesting combination of instruments and practical knowledge to analysts and practitioners that work toward building better cooperation among governments, academia, private sector and civil society. I find quite important that the professional certificate addresses sustainability with the view of fairness among all stakeholders, particularly the Global South. As a former minister of my country, I think this course can be very helpful for public servants in charge of public policies in the intersection of trade, development and environmental and social standards; as a Professor, I consider it helping to build a better understanding of the challenges that globalization creates for sustainability and the new paradigms of global governance needed to address these matters.

Mercedes R. Araoz F , Professor of International Economics, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima Peru. Former Prime Minister and Minister of Trade of Peru

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