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In most of the studies and literature on Organisational Behaviour, little has been said or written about feedback and its powerful impact. Because of its evaluative and corrective nature, it has a strong impact on the receiver's thoughts. There are two sides to every feedback situation: the giver and the receiver. It is critical to both give and receive feedback in order to improve and employee’s and a team's performance. When administered correctly, it has a significant influence.
1 What is feedback?
2 Why you need to understand the impact of feedback?
3 Dimensions of feedback?
4 How can feedback improve effectiveness and efficiency?
5 What skills you should have for giving effective feedback?
6 What skills and attitude you require for receiving feedback?
7 Action plan to realise your potential.
Giving constructive and effective feedback is a skill that a leader should possess. The feedback should be methodical and actionable. It is giver’s ability and skill that makes a feedback acceptable and influential. It should be delivered in a way that encourages the receiver to accept and improve the performance without any confusion and anger.
Receiving feedback, on the other hand, helps an individual to improve if accepted it in the right spirit. Every person in an organization should be aware of the importance of feedback. It is a skill that every team leader should master and put into practice. Receiving feedback demands some skills, a positive mindset, and a willingness to change. Receiving feedback is an attitude and a skill worth developing.
The programme learning and take away include the following
1. Understanding the concept of feedback
2. Dimensions of feedback
3. 3 P’s of feedback (Purpose, People, Period)
4. Feedback for effectiveness and efficiency
5. Feedback for relationship
6. Revamping the giver’s skills
7. Redefining the receiver’s skillset
The programme will include a mix of videos, recorded audio clips, faculty led lectures and self-assessment psychometric tests. The substance of the programme will be a combination of best practices in people management and real-life examples for effectiveness.
Week 1
Module 1: Feedback essentials
1.1 Understanding feedback: Art and science
1.2 Ingredients of Feedback
1.3 Feedback family (Content based, Purpose/Motive based)
1.4 Evaluation questions
Module 2: 3 P’s of Feedback
2.1 Purpose
2.2 People
2.3 Period
2.4 Evaluation questions
Week 2 Module 3: Necessity of feedback
3.1 Feedback for effectiveness
3.2 Feedback of efficiency
3.3 Feedback for relationship
3.4 Evaluation questions
Week 3 Module 4: Reinventing the giver’s skills
4.1 Self-test your feedback style
4.2 From unstructured to structured feedback
4.3 From confusing to enlightening feedback
4.4 From extraneous to actionable feedback
4.5 Evaluation questions
Week 4 Module 5: Discovering the receiver’s skills
5.1 Developing a learner mindset
5.2. Asking for feedback
5.3 Behavioural pattern of receiver
5.4 Listening for internalizing
5.5 Action plan to realise your potential
5.6 Evaluation questions
5.7 Recapitalisation and conclusion