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Food quality and safety is increasingly under threat as natural resources are stretched by climate change, hunger, and explosive population growth.
In this course, you’ll learn how the food sector can respond to these challenges by adopting innovative tech. You’ll discover how data-enabled technologies are becoming more accessible and affordable, driving a revolution in how the food business operates.
You’ll identify how these innovations can make the food chain and food systems more efficient and productive, allowing them to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Everyone is welcome to join for general interest purposes.
This course would particularly appeal to professionals working in the agri-food sector, and entrepreneurs and enterprises looking to transform the food sector with technological advancements and new trends.
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
Describe the different technologies which can transform the food sector
Identify the issues related to a sustainable and innovative food system which delivers the dietary needs of a rising population in a safe, sustainable and responsible way
Explain food sensing technologies for the provision of authentic food ‘fit for human consumption'.
Develop an appreciation of the economic, environmental and health benefits which digital technology can offer the food system
Produce an innovation plan to bring the food sector to the forefront of innovation
Assess the issues in transitioning to a digitalised food system – economic, environmental, technical, political, welfare and market factors