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Can you trust your food? This course will help you understand the global food supply systems responsible for delivering safe, nutritious, high-quality, sustainable food to your plate. You’ll explore the processes and the people involved, reflect on what we mean by ‘trust’ and uncover the important role the consumer plays in improving the supply chain.
Is my food safe?
You’ll discover the regulations in place to ensure the food you buy is safe to eat whether it’s produced within Europe or further afield and explore the food scandals that shaped the legislation before reflecting on the risks foods might pose to our health and analysing your level of trust.
Is my food nutritious?
Learn all about food labels and what they can tell you about the processes involved in making products as well as the ingredients they contain. Understand the evidence producers must provide before they can make claims about their products and discover how to analyse food headlines so you can make informed choices.
Is my food sustainable?
You’ll discover ways you can find out by exploring assurance schemes, weigh up the various factors that influence how ethical production processes are and discuss how to take action to make a difference through consumer choice.
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
Describe the complexity of the global food system and the issues that affect consumer trust in food
Identify the key factors involved in food safety
Assess different sources of nutritional information
Synthesise the different food labels that provide assurances to consumers
Debate how your choices reflect your values
Reflect on the role of the consumer in influencing the food supply system
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and it has really opened my eyes to the food systems that we currently have and has made me question much more about the foods that I am buying. (Sarah O., September 2024)