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Explore the essence of one of Latin America’s most significant civilizations: the Mayans. This course takes you on a journey through the key elements of Mayan culture in Yucatán, offering essential insights into their society, history, religion, the role of women, traditions, attire, and architecture, along with the enduring legacies that remain today.
Dive into the heart of their development in the Yucatán Peninsula, home to iconic archaeological sites such as Chichén Itzá, Uxmal, Edzná, and Calakmul. This remarkable civilization that made these lands their own, left an indelible mark on history.
You’ll explore the Mayans’ worldview, their religious beliefs, their unique numerical and writing systems, and their intricate calendars. Delve into the various theories about their decline following the arrival of the Spanish.
Learn how the descendants of this ancient culture live today, how they’ve preserved their heritage, and the challenges they face in modern Yucatán. Be inspired and join us on this fascinating journey!
Módulo 1: Origen, desarrollo y declive de los mayas.
Módulo 2: Sociedad y religión de la cultura maya.
Módulo 3: Arquitectura
Módulo 4: El impacto de la conquista.
Módulo 5: Los Mayas de hoy.