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How can leaders actually lead across differences, enable meaningful impact, and see equity, diversity, and inclusion not simply as assignments, but as being central and critical to our impact across sectors? This course explores leadership in personal, interpersonal, and organizational dimensions and helps you to deepen your impact through the practice of Cultural Fluency in the three dimensions. The journey will start by exploring how your personal identity and interactions with others impact organizational culture and how stereotype threat and model-minority pressure operate in organizations. You will discover how to use Cultural Fluency to move beyond sensitivity and enable equitable engagement, embrace the discomfort of new routines that enable your growth and revisit past leadership moments to design future leadership moments that leave a just legacy.
Skills to use the 3D model to promote positive outcomes to improve organizational culture and climate.
The ability to articulate strategies to address roadblocks to meaningful engagement in the workplace.
The Cultural Fluency model and how to apply it to organizational life.
Skills to build the conditions for the day-to-day application of tools and frameworks such as Cultural Fluency.
The ability to reflect on critical leadership moments with a learning mindset and design future leadership moments to leave a just legacy that aligns intent with outcomes.