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CurtinX: Autism and Mental Health

4.9 stars
16 ratings

Learn to promote your own good mental health, celebrate individuality, strengths, and skills associated with autism, and recognise when you may need extra support. This course provides autistic people and those around them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the relationship between autism and positive mental health outcomes.

4 weeks
1–3 hours per week
Progress at your own speed
Optional upgrade available

There is one session available:

After a course session ends, it will be archivedOpens in a new tab.
Starts Aug 30
Ends Dec 13

About this course

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Research suggests that autistic individuals experience greater rates of anxiety than others their age without autism. In addition, autistic individuals experience high rates of depression and other co-occurring mental health conditions.

There is therefore a growing need to provide autistic people and those around them with greater knowledge, skills and understanding around the relationship between autism and positive mental health outcomes.

This course aims to help learners promote their own good mental health, celebrating individuality, strengths, and skills associated with autism, as well as recognising when you may need extra support.

We will provide you with the knowledge and tools to understand autism and mental health through the lens of monotropism, exploring interoception and sensory overload, mental fitness, risk factors for autistic burnout, and strategies for self-care.

Throughout the course you will hear from a range of autistic individuals, health professionals, and researchers who will share their expertise, as well as their experiences of mental health and living on the autism spectrum.

We will look at developing skills for self-advocacy, social connection and communication styles, requesting accommodations, and prioritising self-care.

Join us on this journey towards supporting your mental health and embracing a positive autistic identity.


edX Prize Winner 2023

At a glance

  • Language: English
  • Video Transcript: English
  • Associated skills:Advocacy, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Mental Health, Research, Communications

What you'll learn

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  • Explore monotropism as a theory of autism, and how being monotropic (single-focused) impacts autistic people
  • Understand interoception and how your internal sensing system impacts your life, as well as ways to recognise signals from this system
  • Learn about the impact of sensory overload on mental health
  • Explore what mental fitness looks like and learn strategies for good mental health
  • Understand and identify risk factors for autistic burnout
  • Recognise and implement strategies for self-care and self-advocacy

Module 1: Autism, cognitive processing and mental health

Module 2: Autism, the senses and mental health

Module 3: Social connections

Module 4: Strategies and self-advocacy

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