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How He Got There: Getting Back Into Learning & Earning College Credit


Kevin had a lot going on in his life and was trying to find the right educational environment to fit into his needs and schedule. There weren’t many opportunities around him outside of the local community college and he was stuck just trying to find a way to learn. Dive into his journey to find out how edX helped him get back into learning and earn credits towards his bachelor’s degree.

How He Did It

Kevin attended community college on and off after graduating from high school. He started for a year, paused to pursue other goals, and then resumed classes on and off for the next seven years before he found edX.

Kevin had heard about online courses before and knew they were very powerful learning environments where you could learn in an effective and efficient way. He decided to give edX a try when he saw a course that piqued his curiosity because of his interest in economics and international affairs: the macroeconomics of resource-rich countries. Kevin successfully passed the course and found it liberating to gain new knowledge and earn a verified certificate. He still uses a lot of the knowledge he built in that course on a daily basis when he’s observing the market and making political and economic observations for his politics blog.

Along with taking individual courses, Kevin enrolled in the Marketing Essentials MicroBachelors® program from DoaneX. He knew about different aspects of marketing from running a blog and managing social media, but this program helped him understand marketing as a whole and learn how to put everything together in one neat package. He was also able to add three more credits to his transcript because MicroBachelors programs offer real college credit. In the future, Kevin plans to continue to work towards his goals of finishing his bachelor’s degree, getting a job in finance, and starting a hedge fund.

Watch more of Kevin's story:

Kevin's Toolkit for Success

Explore Kevin's must-have skills, tips, and recommendations to guide your own journey.


Kevin's Top Online Learning Tip

Take the time to do it right: “Don’t go into a course thinking that you’ll go straight to the assignments and be done with it. Take the time to actually look into the course, review the materials, and watch the videos.”


Kevin's Top Time Management Tip

Apply the skills you learn: “Finishing an online course is going to take discipline and patience, but you can get through it and learn the information. Develop a schedule for yourself and plan out how much time you’re going to spend studying. I wake up, eat breakfast, check my email, and then log onto the edX platform to study for two hours.”


Kevin's Recommended Courses & Programs

Marketing Essentials from DoaneX

  • Why he recommends it:

     “I knew different things about marketing and how it worked, but I didn’t understand marketing as I needed to understand it until I took this program. Now I can put everything I know about marketing together in one neat package.”

Explore more: See what courses and programs other learners have taken to achieve their career goals.

Last updated: June 2021