Former Director, NASA Johnson Space Center, Space Shuttle Orbiter Program Manager at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
About me
Aaron Cohen (January 5, 1931 – February 25, 2010) earned a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M in 1952. He earned a master's in Applied Mathematics from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1958. Cohen joined NASA in 1962 and served in key leadership roles critical to the success of the flights and lunar landings of the Apollo Program. From 1969 to 1972, Cohen was the manager for the Apollo Command and Service Modules. He oversaw the design, development, production and test flights of the space shuttles as manager of NASA's Space Shuttle Orbiter Project Office from 1972 to 1982. After serving as Director of Engineering at Johnson for several years, he was named director of the center in 1986, serving in that post until 1993. Cohen left the agency in 1993 to accept an appointment as a professor at his alma mater, Texas A&M University.