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How to get into a coding boot camp hero

How to get into a coding boot camp: Your next steps to success

Enrolling in a boot camp is a commitment to advancing your skills and career. Before you get started on your learning journey, there are a few steps you’ll need to take to ensure that you can start with your best foot forward. 

While the timeline will vary depending on how quickly you complete each step, you can expect your application process to take anywhere from two days to two weeks. Below, you can read about the entire process from your initial admissions interview to your enrollment and pre-work, along with helpful tips to stay successful throughout your boot camp.


Once you’ve established your interest in a boot camp, you’ll be put in touch with the admissions department. A member of the admissions team will conduct an initial phone interview, walking you through your next steps and answering any questions you may have.

It’s understandable that you might be nervous before your call, but there’s no need to prepare anything in advance. The boot camp interview questions are not a test. This is simply an opportunity to get to know who you are, better understand your current experience, and learn how the boot camp can help you fulfill your personal and professional dreams. 

Coding boot camp interview questions

Below is a list of questions you may be asked during the call to help determine whether a coding boot camp will be the right fit for you:

  • What attracted you to the field/topic?

  • Do you need to make a career change? If so, what is motivating you to make that change?

  • Do you have a plan in mind?

  • Do you enjoy problem solving?

  • Are you creative?

  • Are you interested in freelance work?

You’ll also discuss your professional and educational background. Don’t be afraid to go into detail and paint a full picture of where you are in your career. Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned professional, you and your admissions advisor can talk through any hesitations or concerns you may have.  

During this introduction to the admissions team, you will also receive information about the boot camp curriculum, as well as the benefits provided by the boot camp’s Career Services and Student Success teams.

Admissions tip: The more open you are during your interview, the better the admissions team can help you craft the perfect plan for your professional development and boot camp.

Getting the most out of your interview

The admissions interview will last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your level of experience and the questions you bring to the conversation. While you don’t need to have any background knowledge of boot camps, there are some things you can do to make the most out of this step.

Research jobs you’re interested in

Take some time to research jobs that utilize the skills you’ll be learning in the boot camp. Resources like LinkedIn and Indeed can help you determine how you’ll blend your current experience with your boot camp knowledge. This can help focus your questions during the interview.

Review different terms related to the boot camp you’re applying for

Do a quick search of common terms related to the boot camp you’re interested in. For instance, if you’re preparing for a coding boot camp, you might look up terms like “front-end vs. back-end programming,” whereas someone considering a cybersecurity boot camp might search terms such as “ethical hacking” or “digital forensics.”

Be prepared to take notes

Admissions will provide you with plenty of information to help you prepare to enroll in your boot camp, so take notes during the interview. Keep a pen and paper handy or open up a blank document on your computer. You’ll be able to more easily jot down any questions that arise during your conversation or make a note of important points you don’t want to forget.


Once you’ve completed your admissions interview, your admissions contact will send you an email with a link to your critical thinking assessment. The questions will vary depending on your chosen boot camp. However, you don’t need to have any previous experience with the topic to successfully complete the assessment. In order to move forward with your application, you’ll need to score 70% or higher, but you will have three chances to achieve a passing score.

Admissions tip: While you have 24 hours to complete the assessment, this is also a test of your ability to meet deadlines. It’s a good idea to complete your assessment and turn it in as soon as you can.

How to prepare

Don’t worry about studying

It might seem counterintuitive, but there is no need to study prior to taking your assessment. The questions are structured similarly to word problems you encountered in previous math classes, and describe scenarios requiring you to think critically about how to find the answer. In the event that you don’t score 70% or higher, admissions will provide you with resources to help you practice before you try it again.

Find somewhere quiet to take the assessment

Much like the environment you’ll be learning in, it’s important to find a spot where you can complete your assessment that is distraction-free. You’ll have 40 minutes to complete the assessment, so make sure that the place you choose has a strong internet connection and is relatively quiet.

Use a computer and keep a Google tab open

While it might be tempting to use your smartphone to take the assessment, using a computer may prevent any technical difficulties from impacting your overall score. This is also a test of your resourcefulness and ability to search for answers. You’re free to use Google and any helpful websites available to you.

Acceptance, enrollment, and payment

Once you are accepted into the boot camp, you will determine which financial option is right for you. Secure your seat by signing your enrollment agreement and paying your deposit. 

You’ll have the opportunity to chat through payment and any available funding options with admissions. They’ll ask you questions to help you navigate the process, such as:

  • Does it make more sense to pay for your boot camp in full or in installments?

  • Would you prefer to take out a loan?

  • Do you have credit? What does your credit score look like?

  • Will you need a co-borrower? Who will they be?

This is also the time to talk through concerns you may have around payment. Your admissions contact can help you devise a plan so you can pay for your boot camp in a way that works best for you, which could possibly include employer scholarships or boot camp-sponsored scholarships.

Boot camp pre-work

About 24 to 48 hours after you officially enroll, you’ll receive your boot camp pre-work, which includes practice exercises, downloads, and optional modules that cover job outcomes and industry insights. 

Budget about 40 hours to complete the practice exercises and set up your accounts on relevant websites, such as LinkedIn and GitHub. Your pre-work also includes preliminary practice exercises to help you build your skills before class so you can start on day one with confidence. These materials aren’t graded, but it’s in your best interest to do your best when working through each exercise to get the most out of your boot camp experience.

Admissions tip: Your boot camp journey starts as soon as you lock in your seat and start your pre-work. Get started early so you can take as much time as possible to get through all of the materials.

Setting your schedule

As you prepare for your boot camp to begin, it’s important to build strong time management skills. Before your first day of classes, sit down and write out all of your current responsibilities. Then, create a schedule that you can commit to throughout the duration of your boot camp that allows you to meet the demands of your classes and your life. This might require you to adjust your current routine and offload some tasks to other members of your household, if possible.

For learners who are looking to make a career change quickly and want to find employment by the end of your boot camp, make sure to reach out to the Career Services team early and often. You’ll work with your dedicated Career Coach to navigate the job market and polish your professional materials to make the best impression with employers.

Admissions tip: Between classes, homework, and studying, you’ll be spending 20 to 30 hours on your boot camp materials each week, which equate to about four hours every day. Try splitting your work into two-hour sessions in the morning and in the evening.

Last updated November 2023