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Learn SQLAlchemy with online courses and programs

With SQLAlchemy, learn to combine the power of a Structured Query Language (SQL) database with the Python coding language. Unlock your professional potential by learning with edX.
SQLAlchemy | Introduction Image Description

What is SQLAlchemy?

SQLAlchemy is a Python SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapper (ORM).Footnote 1 An Object-Relational Mapper, or ORM, enables the use of object-oriented code, instead of SQL queries, when you work with databases. With the SQLAlchemy framework, developers can maintain the same underlying code regardless of the database they use. These capabilities are packaged into a simple and Pythonic domain language.

SQLAlchemy stands out as an ORM by using a data mapper pattern, rather than an active record pattern, to work with object collections.Footnote 2 By working with objects in this way, developers can enjoy flexibility and build SQL-based applications with ease.

Browse online SQLAlchemy courses

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SQLAlchemy tutorial curriculum

In a SQLAlchemy course, you can learn everything from basic database and query language, to complex object-relational mapping. Some of the main SQLAlchemy concepts you may learn are:

  • Basic SQLAlchemy Python tasks, such as how to create an “engine” object.Footnote 3

  • The two key aspects of SQLAlchemy: Core and ORM (object-relational mapping).

  • Techniques for working with data in an SQL database, including metadata, schema, and objects.

  • CRUD (create, select, update, delete) operations and other critical data manipulation operations.

How to learn SQLAlchemy is up to you, and edX is here to support you on your journey. edX offers a range of educational formats to fit different learners' needs.  A boot camp can provide flexible, hands-on learning for those who want to upskill quickly, while executive education courses may be more geared toward professionals. You may also be able to study databases and SQL as part of a bachelor’s degree program or, for more advanced learners, a master’s degree program. Explore the different options made available through edX.

Explore SQLAlchemy careers 

Proficiency with SQLAlchemy can help as you pursue a variety of positions, including:

  • Search engineer: A search engineer builds search engine software and optimizes digital content to ensure it is searchable. Search engineers are a type of computer and information research scientist.Footnote 4

  • Python developer: A Python developer is a software developer that writes code in the Python coding language. Data scientists and data analysts use Python widely across the industry.Footnote 5

  • Back-end developer: Back-end developers work in the technology and software industry and build things like data storage, security, and other server-level functions necessary for software programs' function and maintenance.Footnote 6

  • Software engineer: A full-stack software engineer builds both the front- and back-end of a website or application.Footnote 7

Each position will have different skills and educational requirements. For some, a coding boot camp can provide the necessary skills to perform specific tasks, while others may require higher level degrees for consideration. It is important to research potential roles you hope to apply for in order to align your learning with your professional aspirations. 

How to use SQLAlchemy in your career

Software developers may choose to work with SQLAlchemy for a few key reasons. It offers a core “SQL abstraction toolkit” that doesn’t require object-relational mapping.Footnote 8 SQLAlchemy also enables developers to map the database schema to Python objects in their projects.Footnote 9 No SQL is needed to create, maintain, and query the database. With the mapping in place, SQLAlchemy takes care of the database, which frees developers to work with their Python objects instead of wasting time on bridge code to interact with relational tables.

You can also benefit from becoming part of a community. The SQLAlchemy Github is a repository for the open-source code of SQLAlchemy.Footnote 10 It can be helpful to learn from developers who work with SQLAlchemy in their daily lives. A career in software development offers many opportunities to build close community ties with others who are at different career stages.