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Learn mathematical modeling with online courses and programs

Mathematical modeling can help visualize real-world data, optimize business processes, and make predictions. Learn mathematical modeling in courses delivered by edX.
Mathematical Modeling | Introduction Image Description

What is mathematical modeling?

Mathematical modeling is the process of using mathematical equations, formulas, and techniques to represent and describe real-world phenomena, systems, or processes. It involves translating complex real-world situations into a simplified mathematical framework to gain insights, make predictions, or solve problems. Mathematical models can be expressed through equations, graphs, or computer simulations, depending on the nature of the system being studied.

In mathematical modeling, various variables and parameters are defined to represent different aspects of the real-world scenario, allowing for the examination of interactions and dependencies. These models can be used in a wide range of fields, including physics, engineering, biology, economics, social sciences, and environmental studies. By applying mathematical rigor to understand real-world complexities, mathematical modeling plays a crucial role in scientific research, decision-making, and problem-solving across diverse disciplines.

Mathematical modeling course curriculum

In order to effectively use mathematical modeling, learners should have a solid understanding of statistics, calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory.

An introductory course in mathematical modeling might cover the following topics:

  • Mathematical modeling basics, including the different types of models and how they are used

  • Mathematics to describe and analyze systems

  • Mathematical model development

  • Mathematical model validation

  • Application of mathematical models to real-world problems

An advanced course in mathematical modeling might cover more specialized topics, such as probability models, discrete random variables, and joint distribution and expected values as well as different mathematical techniques used to illustrate data. Those include clustering, heat maps, and dimension reduction. 

Are you ready to start learning? Explore the range of educational opportunities offered through edX. Sign up for an accelerated boot camp or enroll in a full degree program and start working toward a bachelor's degree or (for more advanced learners) a master’s degree in a relevant subject. You can also explore executive education programs specifically designed for busy professionals.

Explore mathematical modeling jobs

Mathematical modeling is a versatile skill that can be used in a variety of industries, including, but not limited to:

  • Engineering: Design and optimize structures, machines, and systems. Mathematical models can help design bridges that can withstand earthquakes, airplanes that are aerodynamically efficient, and factories that are energy-efficient.

  • Natural sciences: Study and analyze the behavior of physical and biological systems. Mathematical models can be used to study the spread of diseases, the climate, and the evolution of species.

  • Social sciences: Examine the behavior of human systems. Mathematical models can be used to study the economy, the spread of information, and the dynamics of social networks.

  • Finance: Price financial instruments, manage risk, and make investment decisions. Mathematical models can help study market conditions and develop investment strategies.

  • Business: Make better decisions about pricing, marketing, and operations. Mathematical models can be used to predict how changes in price will affect demand. 

Become a professional who can analyze complex problems, make informed decisions, and predict outcomes. Learn this valuable skill for problem-solving and data-driven decision-making with online courses delivered through edX.