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Learn about pollution with online courses and programs

Understand the environmental challenges facing our planet and the potential solutions. Learn about pollution with edX.
Pollution | Introduction Image Description

What is pollution?

Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the natural environment, causing adverse effects on the quality of air, water, soil, or ecosystems. It disrupts the balance of the environment, posing risks to human health, wildlife, and the planet's overall wellbeing.

For example, air pollution occurs when harmful gasses, particulate matter, or chemicals are released into the atmosphere. Common sources include vehicle emissions, industrial processes, and burning fossil fuels. Air pollution can lead to respiratory diseases, smog formation, and even climate change.

Pollution course curriculum

A course on pollution can equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, assess, and address environmental pollution challenges. Some example of content that could be covered include:

  • Types of pollution and sources

  • Emission control and regulatory frameworks

  • Environmental chemistry

  • Health effects of pollution

  • Ecological consequences

Start building the knowledge you need to work in the pollution mitigation field with edX. From accelerated boot camps to comprehensive programs that allow you to earn a bachelor’s degree or (for more advanced learners) a master’s degree, there are many different learning formats available to fit your needs. Busy professionals can even take advantage of executive education courses. Find the right course for you.

Explore jobs related to pollution

Learning about pollution can prepare individuals for meaningful careers focused on environmental sustainability, health protection, and policy development. These professionals play a vital role in addressing pollution challenges and working toward a cleaner, healthier planet. Some examples of jobs include:

  • Environmental scientist: Studies pollution and its impact on ecosystems and human health. They conduct research, assess pollution levels, and develop strategies for mitigation.

  • Air quality specialist: Focuses on monitoring and improving air quality, often working for government agencies or environmental consulting firms.

  • Waste management specialist: Works on strategies to reduce, recycle, and manage waste, including hazardous materials and electronic waste (e-waste).

  • Sustainability manager: Develops and implements strategies to reduce environmental impact, including pollution reduction, within organizations and businesses.

Each of these roles will have different education and skills requirements. Some employers may seek candidates with a degree in environmental science depending on the role. Before deciding on a specific learning path, research the positions you hope to pursue and align your coursework with your career goals.